Clinical Laboratory
The Clinical Laboratory of CIMA San Jose Hospital has the latest technology for the analysis of clinical samples in the areas of Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Serology, Bacteriology, Parasitology and Urinalysis.
In each of these areas automated equipment is used to ensure the speed, reproducibility and quality of results.
Moreover, it follows with a strict quality control program in all areas of the Laboratory, including internal controls and participation in programs of national external quality control as the College of Microbiologists and Clinical Chemists and INCIENSA, and international programs such as EQAS (BIORAD, USA) and RIQAS (Randox, England).
The Clinical Laboratory is open to public 24 hours, 365 days a year. It offers the latest available diagnostic tests and the Pro-BNP (diagnosis of congestive heart failure), Procalcitonin (PCT, diagnosis of sepsis), anti-CCP antibodies (early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis).
Blood Bank
The CIMA San Jose Blood Bank has the best technology, supplies and personnel management for procurement and preparation of hemocomponents and for blood group determination, antibody studies and compatibility tests. We care about maintaining an adequate supply of blood products to meet the needs of our patients.
The hemocomponents available in the blood bank are packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate and platelets. All piping and separation systems used are disposable which increases the degree of Biosecurity for the donor and potential recipient.
Blood Bank participates in the External Quality Control of the Brazilian Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy, which was obtained in the previous round, the Certificate of Excellence by the proven quality of technical procedures. All the above translates into quality of care and safety for our patients.
The Pathology Laboratory of Hospital CIMA San Jose, specializes in studies of immunohistochemistry, including the study of tumors, lymphomas and prognostic factors of malignant lesions.
Pathology Services:
• Surgical pathology
• Breast Pathology
• GI Pathology
• Lymphomas
• Neuropathology
• Neuromuscular Pathology
• Liver Pathology
• Soft Tissue Tumors
• Head and Neck Pathology
• Gynecologic Pathology.
• Frozen Section Biopsies for Mohs Surgery
• Available 24 hours for frozen section biopsies
• Biopsy by fine needle aspiration.
• Monolayer® Cervical Cytology
Quality controls have been adopted under the highest international standards, corresponding to those required by Joint Commission International (JCI), which include review of all frozen section biopsies in correlation to the definite biopsy, correlation between cytology and uterine biopsy as well as a Pathologist review of a 12% of all Pap smears.
The Pathology Laboratory of Hospital CIMA San Jose, has four pathologists specialized abroad in different branches of pathology. These professionals are recognized nationally and internationally, and have highly qualified technical personnel. Additionally, there is support from external consulting services in Costa Rica and from abroad together with the highest quality equipment.